Order in 1 hours 17 minutes for Same Day Flower Delivery
Welcome to Floressence Florist!
We have been serving North Shore area for over 20 years through our retail shop.
Now we have gone online, extending our high standard service to areas all around Metro Sydney.
Having experience in retail means we understand what our customers really want:
Not simply just fresh flower arrangements, but also an enjoyable experience every time when shopping with us.
This is what we have been trying to achieve during our day-to-day operation in our retail shop and we will be continuously trying to achieve it onlineĀ as well.
Here we guarantee that we will always supply freshest flowers to our customers. And we will try our best to ensure 100% satisfaction.
We are also keen to hear from our customers about what we have done well and what we have not, so that we could be better and better.
Please feel free to leave us your feedback here.
powered by Flower Store in a Box